Sunday, 14 December 2014

Sem 1 : The End. // Part 2.

Let's continue with the flash back shall we ? :D 


Well then the coming Monday we found our Dream House.
It's a new housing area named Eco Hill if not mistaken. The houses there are so nice that I cant stop selfie ing ahha. So we listed it as our dream house and we will move in next year. ***daydreaming***

Then .. nothing much happened after that, cause we were having tests every weeek. Same schedule every week, choir practices, cup songs practices. Eat, sleep, wake, eat sleep. 
It repeats all over and over again. 
The second last week of the semester. 
HAHA there starts the most interesting part of the sem. 

I think the earth is spinning faster and faster now, how could time flies so fast ? I thought sem 1 just started and now it's ended :l 
On the 1st of December, the moment I woke up I was like, wtf ?! It's December already ? 
The last month of 2014, the last 31 days of the year, make sure it is worth watching haha. 
So, hmm ya we painted the last two weeks with tons of fun. 


IT'S DECEMBER means the XMAS MONTH is here !
Ahhh how excited is this omg ! So the first day of Dec we had an event called Xmas Singoff Competition which was held by Mussoc. 
Of course I am not involved in the competition, hah ! But choir had an performance for the event, so .. ya. All dressed up in RED and GREEN
Because it's Xmas oh yeay hohoho. 

The group photo with the Santa :) 

Choir performed "Jingle Bell", "Merry Christmas" and "All I want for Christmas is you". 
HAHAHA we tried hard to make the performance the best one. But I think we failed. Plus there were only very few of us performing for choir. Nah.. we will try our best next time :b 
Oh ya and Celine's band got 1st runner up for the Singoff Competition ! Congrats once again :)

Great night with this bunch of peepa ! 


After Xmas Singoff, there was a test on the coming Wednesday, and that's the last paper of the sem ! I mean before Finals. haha. 
After the test, immediately we started to shoot our video, the video was one of our assignments. 
The topic of the assignment is about 'Human in 21st Century.'
I am in a group of six with BB Qi, Ah Yuan, Jingyi, Wanting and Anna. 
Everything was so so so so fun with them, we had a really exhausted but fantastic experience during the shooting session. Of course the editing part was quite tiring but still very fun !

The topic of our video is about the comparison between 20th Century and 21st Century.
And can you guess who am I casting from the photos above ? Haha ! Yes it's Minho Oppa. 
I was the "actor" of the video actually. 

And I actually accidentally traveled back to 1980s and met this bunch of cuties ! They were dressing in some old style clothes, and I am the only one who was dressing in a modern way. Cause I am the photographer hehe.

Our group photo for 20th Century. 
*PS the palm oil trees behind are so matching up the theme ! 

Our group photos for 21st Century. 
Like this photo very very much cause my pose is so nice haha! 
Anyhow, really appreciate everyone's effort on this video, without them this video wont be a successful one. 
Thank you my teammates :)

To view the video, click this :

Have some laughs !


If you ask me what was the craziest thing and the most memorable thing I did in sem 1, this will be the one. 
Joined a talent show and sang A Capella. 
Seriously no kidding. Inspirited by cup songs, and also claps, Celine, ongliniao, wanting and I started practising some a capella stuffs. It's a mashup song accompanied by cups and claps. 
and THE MOST IMPORTANT PART is, we got 2nd RUNNER UP !  This is truly insane, I still remembered that complicated feeling before we went on stage. Cause everything seemed to be so mess up. Tables, chairs, everything weren't ready. That heart jumping out feeling :l
And yet we got third place haha ! It's so unbelievable that we even mind blank while our group name " Queen of Hearts" was being called ! 

On the stage every moment is beautiful :) 

I love you all my queen of hearts !!! 


That's one nightmare we put ourselves into. haha. Bubble games. Sounds interesting. But only SOUNDS interesting. 

Imagine you wearing that 12kg bubble, and play soccer :O 
We were so damn exhausted after that 15 minutes game. 
and that 15 mintues, feels like FOREVER. 
Ain't gonna play it the second time. 


Last two days were the coolest part cause we did some crazey stuffs. Hmm went to a new discovered place haha. 
A place which feels like Bukit Tinggi. and when you are going to that place, you will pass by a road which is separated by Korea and South Africa ! haha! 
South Africa on your left and Korea on your right. 
Cannot imagine ? Come to semenyih and check it out. 

I just cant stop selfie ing cause the place is just too relaxing haha. Should go there and have a sit whenever I have any doubts :b 

 See how this place looks like a fairytale hehehe. So dreamy and fantasy ngek hehe.
 And the last night of sem 1, haah. Yolo till we straight rushed to The Mines for a movie after an event called Merry Nottingmas. Its about a stage play. 

celine ongliniao and I planned to wake up at 5am for sunrise. So yolo right ? 
But, mission not accomplish cause we are not able to wake up at time :b
We slept at 4am and planned to wake up at 5, who knows. We are all dead once we fall asleep. 

So the last day, these whole group of wadat people, went to the field and did something crazy, again.
Group photos + Wadat songs mashup. 

Spot any difference on my head?

To view Wadat Songs Mashup, click this :

It's an end for sem 1 but it's definitely not an end for the craziness we have ! 
Life is not going to be as amazing as this without anyone of you :) 
Let's continue to stay yolo next sem haha. 

Bye Sem 1 !
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance ! See you all next year my dear friends :) 
Thanks for reading until here. 
Till the next post, see ya ! 

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Sem 1 : The End. // Part 1

Hey there, It's been a long time I know. Was too busy before this, busy with a whole lot of things. And dont know how, it's like just in one click of fingers, the semester had came to its end. How can time flies so damn fast, I dont even know what had I done in these 13 weeks. Time for a flash back huh. Semester 1 was really really a truly amazing one, my everyday schedule was so packed that I cant even enjoy my own time in the room. Haaha ya cause I used to be a nerdy kind of person in sem 0. I used to stay in my room and be nerd lol. Now that semester 1 changed my life, maybe cause I moved into a new hostel. I moved from Rawa Hall ( new accommodation area ) to Kapas Hall ( old accommodation area ). The beginning of sem 1 marked my new life of staying at the old accommodation area hehe. Hmm moving to old hostel kinda changed my life, like changed a lot haha. But anyway I like this change hehe. SO back to the topic, the awesome semester 1, ready for the flash back ? Put on your seat belt, the jet plane carrying my story is going to take off :)


Haha ! Throwback to the time I fall sick cause of dengue haha. Fall sick on the first or second week of school ? I had a rough time tho, dying in my room the whole day, and then my parents came and fetch me home. Well slept for a few days and when I finally felt better, went back to school for one day and the next day I found red rashes all over my hands :/ Its really disgusting ewwww. So.. I went to the school clinic and did a blood test. And the report turned out to be, haih. I was suspected to be having dengue. Oh gosh, then my dad had to come again to fetch me to the hospital. Thanks Dad ! and ya I really got dengue actually, but its only being recognized on the fifth day haha. So I stayed in the hospital for 2 nights and everything went back to normal again ! Thank god. 


and then.. the UNMC CS Fair was here! I joined four clubs I guess? Nature Club, Music Society, Korean Society and Dance Club. That's a lot haha. Why I joined Dance Club haha! Something wrong with me at that time, cause I joined, but I have no time for the practises, and I only went for their Welcome night. Oh ya and I joined Choir team of Music Society. That mainly used up all my free time haha cause we have practices on Tues and Wed. Sometimes on Mon also, packed schedule every evening. But still I quite enjoy singing in a big group like how I used to be in sec school :D Oh yes and I am in Soprano btw :b Hmmm..about Korean Society, joined this club mainly for handsome guys, oops nah I'm only joking ! not many charming guys actually lol. 


This was one of the yolo nights we had in sem 1. Hmm.. I think the boys cooked dinner for us. Haha, they cooked spaghetti and others.. HAHAHA and one epic thing was the jokes created by wanting. oh my godddd damn funny that it caused everyone laughed like insane. "Popeye the sailormoon" , "I'm not Christian." SERIOUSLY laugh my axx off !!!! 


The picture above is the Choir Team 14/15 ! That's our very first performance, on the event called Spotlight. We performed 'When You Believe' from The Prince of Egypt. All of us dressed in black and white and the performance was a great one ! 


Next up is.. Halloween Night ! I blogged about that before, but just a short summary again haha. That's a wonderful night that I will never ever forget teehee. 
This is few days before the Halloween Night haha. I was not imitating Ugly Betty no joking ! and spot the fake Annabelle behind me, she's looking at the camera. SHHHH I know It's damn creepy :/

This was before the Halloween Night. Lunch at panmee and then desserts at Tian Xin Tang Shui. Life is all about food isn't it ? Hahaha !

And here's the Halloween Night ! We tried our best to match up the Halloween theme remember ? Haha. Sexy witch (ME), Sexy Vampire ( Ongliniao), Vampire+Joker (Mingwei), Minnie Mouse (Michy), Creepy Dolls (Ah yuan and BB Qi), Hermione (Celine) .. So much fun we had !

Teehee and after the Halloween Night, of course we're not going to end the night like this. We went to second round dinner and a must do thing > Yolo. We broke new record on that day, slept at 5am, cause we were playing poker hahaha. and woke up at 10 the next day for class. TRULY YOLO. See how "yolo" changed our uni life  ? :b


We performed "传灯" & "雪绒花" on the CCS Night, collaborated with Chinese Orchestra. The picture above showing "C" and "O" stand for Chinese Orchestra haha. Hmm. that performance was.. a bit.. not very good. haha, but from that time we gained experience la, practices are very important lol. And the picture below was about some cute emoji of your phone's keyboard. Go search about it if you dont know what were we imitating :D Oh ya ! and that day was a black themed day hehe. 

Yeay and I went to try this super delicious nasi lemak ayam pandan :DD with ongliniao celine and wanting haha. Craving for it now :O


And on the friday of the same week, we had another performance. It's first outing for UNMC Choir. Cause we had two performances on the same week so we had a truly intense practices, like everyday ? Tiring but fun. hmmm.. fun. 

Iiishh, I still remembered we waited for like thousand years for our performance. We headed to the venue at 5.30pm, and we reached at 7++. And then the terrible part started cause we were hungry like hell. We were supposed to go on stage at 9++, but we waited from 8 till 10++ and the venue was still empty. EMPTY. I dont know where the hell were all the audiences haha, cause they said they will be around 400 audiences but then ended up only a few showed up. I think not even more than 30. So we performed at around 10.30pm, to only 20+ audiences. HAHAHA. Such a big joke. Hmm new experience gained again lol. I would never forget how I suffer during the waiting period cause I was having flu. And I brought the whole roll of toilet paper there haha. oh ya we performed "Happy" & "Can You Feel The Love Tonight". Was it good ? NO COMMENTS. And the theme this time was BLUE :D  

Basically that's the first half of sem 1, colourful isn't it hehe.  
I am going to stop here first, that's only the first half of the semester haha. Still a lot to go, so I'll continue Part 2 next time ! 
