Facts about this Betty.

The best way to know more about yourself, list down the facts of you, and here it is some facts about me :)

  1. I am the only child in my family, so my family only consists of three members, my parents and I haha. 
  2. I am nineteen this year, 2015. My last TEEN year, sigh. 
  3. I don't really look like nineteen years old cause I'm very short and childish looking lol ! 
  4. I'm now currently studying at University of Nottingham Malaysia, taking Foundation in Science. 
  5. My hometown is a small town named Tampin, a peaceful and comfy place which I grew up at. 
  6. I am a April baby, born on the 16th day of April 1996, and I'm an Aries.
  7. Love laughing like an idiot, laugh like no one cares. 
  8. I think I'm quite optimistic, tho sometimes I will also think negatively.
  9. I have a rule for myself, never feel sad for more than one hour.
  10. Friendship ranks higher than relationship in my heart haha. 
  11. I love fairy tales, so I'm definitely a daydreamer. 
  12. I don't eat a lot of food : pumpkin, bitterguard, beef, beans, ginger, onion etc. 
  13. I hate apple, except for apple juice. In fact I hate biting apple. 
  14. I used to sit on the right hand side backseat of the car. 
  15. I have a lot of dreams that I want to fulfill, gonna make a list soon !
  16. I don't have a very specific singer that I love cause my taste changes from time to time. The current trend is Wang Leehom and We The Kings :) 
  17. I'm a coffee lover, not addicted, but just love caffeine. 
  18. I don't know how to swim ! lol
  19. I'm having short hairstyle for now, and I'm trying to keep it long. 
  20. Oh ya, my full name is actually Lim Pei Tee, and Betty is my nickname. 
  21. I have thick eyebrows, spot it if you see me :b 

That's all the facts that I can think of now, stay tuned for more coming up soon ! 

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