Friday 19 September 2014

Chiangrai >>> Chiangmai // Day 3

Hello hello ! It's me again, haha lets continue with my travel diary ;)
Day 3 of my trip, we had to travel from Chiangrai to Chiangmai, its quite tiring I know haha.
Rise and shine Saturday, a good day ahead. Its very refreshing to wake up in such a lovely hotel which has a beautiful garden :)

Like this type of buildings very very muchhhie !

And this is the open air lobby of the hotel, I will give five stars to rate this hotel cause I really like its design very very much hehe. And I think it is very suitable for photo shooting haha cause its furniture all are very classic. The feeling there was erm.. how to describe haha ?

A very big thank you to my dear mummy to help me to take photo hahaha ! 

Daddy was like so excited once he saw this swimming pool and he kept on asking Mummy : " Did you bring along my swim pants ? " 
Mummy : " Aiyo, no leh ! "
Daddy : "Aiyo I want to swim so badly.. later go night market see whether anybody selling ! "
HAHAHA, cute family of mine :b
He ended up couldnt find anybody selling swim pants, so he grabbed me *again* to take photo with this swimming pool lmao. Dad why are you so lovely ? 

So before we leave Chiangrai, we went to visit the golden triangle area. Chiangrai is a place that is very close to Myanmar and Laos. There is a river that connects these three countries and the intersect point is called as the Golden Triangle.

So first we reached the custom that separate Myanmar and Thailand. Its very funny that there is actually a river, and we were crossing a bridge on it. There was a line on the bridge and once you crossed that line, you are in Myanmar. One step forward, you are in Maesai, Myanmar. One step backward, you are in Thailand again. hahaha ! Thats funny though. 

Yes we were on the bridge right now, I dont know whats the point to take photo with a very normal road lol. But Mummy says this photo proved that you stepped on the land of Myanmar and not Thailand. Okay I have no point to say No haha. Mummy always wins. 

And then we hopped on a "tuk tuk" and went to a temple, sorry that I forgot its name. 

Temples over there all have the same design I guess, same goes to Thailand's temple. There is a very cool thing about this temple, that is there are seven gods in it. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and etc. You have to pray at Saturday's god if the day you go is a saturday. That's very special hmm. 

Sad case happened was you cant enter the temple with you bare legs haha, you have to cover it with a "salung". No matter male or female, anybody who didnt wear a long pants / skirt you have to wear a "salung". Of course I had to wear a "salung" liao loh since I wore a skater skirt on that day. And my mummy and daddy too haha, looking cute in our "salung".

Hahaha yes Daddy even had a private maid. Lol its actually everyone of us has one. Those kids are willing to help in the temple, they will automatically help you to hold an umbrella once you step into the temple. They even dont want to take any money, but only ask you to donate for the temple or buy some souvenirs at their stalls. Hats off to them ! Well I think my dad look super handsome in this photo hehe, with his charming smile :b

After visiting the temple,we went back to Thailand, of course by crossing the bridge haha. And we went to have our lunch at a riverside restaurant. Cool thing is you can see another country, Laos in this restaurant. hahaha this is because Laos is right on the opposite of the restaurant. 

The picture above shows the land of Laos, so near yet so far haha ! The golden triangle cities : Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. 
I can say I had visited them all, can I ? 

We look cool and in our sunglasses arent us ? Say yes please :b

Hahaha finally a photo with Pi Yang, our fat and funny tour guide. He refused to take photo at first lol. Four of us stepping on Chiangrai, Thailand and leaving the country on the other side of the river, Laos at our back  :) 

After that we headed back to Chiangmai, three hours journey to reach and it's night already while we reached. What to do after dinner ?
Sleep tight and Goodnight. 

And that marked the end of Day three of the trip. 
