Monday 22 September 2014

Chiangmai, Thailand // Day 4

Hello there, travel diary again !
Day 4 was the funniest and the most enjoyable day among the five days. I planned to split day 4's diary into two, cause it'll be damn long if I write all in one. I wish to write all detail parts haha.
The first stop of Day 4 was Elephant Park in Chiangmai.

 There were 80+ elephants in there. One thing I must mention is I used half of the memory card to capture elephant hahaha. Cause they are way too cute ;b

hey hey my jumbo haha. Sometimes I feel they are very pity actually, cause they seem lost their freedom.. 
Thank you for entertaining us :) I know you all must be tired. Thank you. 
Daddy bought a lot of bananas to feed them tho. 

This is my man, always being so kind, my forever hero !

Hahaha, dad can you be any cuter than this ? Notice the photo on the left.
I am such a talented photographer, haha joking only kay. 
Dad was frightened by the cutie pie on his left, he suddenly shouted *I mean the elephant* and then Dad's frightened face was captured by me. lol. 
The most epic emotion of the year. 
Oh ya, if you feed the elephant with food he will help you to put on the hat. 
Very polite oh haha. 

Nah, this was me. I could hardly smile loh actually, I was very scare lmao. 
I jinjia scare the elephant behind me would grab my hair or what, expecting as his lunch. 

And here it is my cute family and this cutie pie, the great poser, Mr. Elephant hahaha . 

And then my dad and I went to see elephants showering by the riverside. 
The most terrible moment was the elephant was so near to you and you dare not to run. 
I know they wont hurt me but I just feel scare, they are too huge lol. 

Hello ? Anybody wants a free shower ? 

Guess what is this ? Hehehehehheehe. 

Apparently this elephant above, was trying to steal the man's bananas. haha. 
I think they feel hungry all the time. Pi Yang said they need three to four tonnes of food per day. 
3000-4000 kg, okay ? okay. 
So I dont think so their big boss will have so many food to feed them, thats why they always seem hungry and always begging for food :/ 
Anyhow I still they are very pity, for not able to get enough food and good treatments from their master. 
I saw some elephants being hit by their master, and that's unbearable. Hello, the elephant work for you, help you to earn money and being so faithful, cant you treat them nicely ?
Urgh. I cant do anything, what I can do is buy them bananas. 

see how clever they are ? He was saying thank you to the man who gave him bananas. 

A big applause for all the elephants, you all are very talented. 
Can see it via your drawings. 
Thumbs up ! 

After the elephant show, we had a ride on oxcart.
Again, I have to say sorry to the cows, cause I could feel how pain they are while pulling the cart. 
But it's a terrifying experience, I thought I was going to fall from the cart while it's moving lol.
Super shaky and dangerous actually.

I just feel pain for them, the stick on their back pulling the whole cart plus five adults.
Imagine how heavy it is the load on their back.
This will be the first and also the last in my life. 

Why I still could look at the camera and smile haha, the cows were non stop moving actually
maybe they were very impatient haha.

After this oxcart ride, we had another ride, elephant ride.
Aih, I have to apologize again, sorry dear elephants.
I didnt mean to hurt you, I promise I wont sit on your back make you suffer anymore. 

I only managed to take photos of this man in front of me lol
It's too shaky while I was on the elephant's back.
This man very bad :/
He used a stick to hit the elephant if they didnt follow his instructions.
argh, it hurts while I saw him hitting the elephant :(

This was the only picture I took while the elephant crossed the river
I dared not to on my camera to take photos, I was afraid that it might commit suicide and jump into the river hahaha.
FYI the sun was super bright and my skin was like burning while I was having this elephant ride.

Haha yah so this was the elephant ride experience I had in Elephant Park Chiangmai. 

And the last activity we had in this elephant park was river ride hahaa. The third ride of the day. 
We ride on a raft and follow the river flow. 

Hhaha yes I am Betty the sailor girl ! just kiddin lol. 
it was fun standing on the raft instead of sitting. 
Feel the breeze crawl off your cheek .. 

And this handsome guy is my Hero and this gorgeous lady is my Queen. 
I asked them to look to the other side instead of looking at the camera. haha
Two epic posers, my parents hahahha. 

Another shot of the epic posers lol.
Mum was holding the latte haha, cafe waiting love meh ?
Alah seriously laugh till my jaw drops ah.

Trying to act cool lmao

That's all for part 1 of Day 4.
To be continued.


Friday 19 September 2014

Chiangrai >>> Chiangmai // Day 3

Hello hello ! It's me again, haha lets continue with my travel diary ;)
Day 3 of my trip, we had to travel from Chiangrai to Chiangmai, its quite tiring I know haha.
Rise and shine Saturday, a good day ahead. Its very refreshing to wake up in such a lovely hotel which has a beautiful garden :)

Like this type of buildings very very muchhhie !

And this is the open air lobby of the hotel, I will give five stars to rate this hotel cause I really like its design very very much hehe. And I think it is very suitable for photo shooting haha cause its furniture all are very classic. The feeling there was erm.. how to describe haha ?

A very big thank you to my dear mummy to help me to take photo hahaha ! 

Daddy was like so excited once he saw this swimming pool and he kept on asking Mummy : " Did you bring along my swim pants ? " 
Mummy : " Aiyo, no leh ! "
Daddy : "Aiyo I want to swim so badly.. later go night market see whether anybody selling ! "
HAHAHA, cute family of mine :b
He ended up couldnt find anybody selling swim pants, so he grabbed me *again* to take photo with this swimming pool lmao. Dad why are you so lovely ? 

So before we leave Chiangrai, we went to visit the golden triangle area. Chiangrai is a place that is very close to Myanmar and Laos. There is a river that connects these three countries and the intersect point is called as the Golden Triangle.

So first we reached the custom that separate Myanmar and Thailand. Its very funny that there is actually a river, and we were crossing a bridge on it. There was a line on the bridge and once you crossed that line, you are in Myanmar. One step forward, you are in Maesai, Myanmar. One step backward, you are in Thailand again. hahaha ! Thats funny though. 

Yes we were on the bridge right now, I dont know whats the point to take photo with a very normal road lol. But Mummy says this photo proved that you stepped on the land of Myanmar and not Thailand. Okay I have no point to say No haha. Mummy always wins. 

And then we hopped on a "tuk tuk" and went to a temple, sorry that I forgot its name. 

Temples over there all have the same design I guess, same goes to Thailand's temple. There is a very cool thing about this temple, that is there are seven gods in it. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and etc. You have to pray at Saturday's god if the day you go is a saturday. That's very special hmm. 

Sad case happened was you cant enter the temple with you bare legs haha, you have to cover it with a "salung". No matter male or female, anybody who didnt wear a long pants / skirt you have to wear a "salung". Of course I had to wear a "salung" liao loh since I wore a skater skirt on that day. And my mummy and daddy too haha, looking cute in our "salung".

Hahaha yes Daddy even had a private maid. Lol its actually everyone of us has one. Those kids are willing to help in the temple, they will automatically help you to hold an umbrella once you step into the temple. They even dont want to take any money, but only ask you to donate for the temple or buy some souvenirs at their stalls. Hats off to them ! Well I think my dad look super handsome in this photo hehe, with his charming smile :b

After visiting the temple,we went back to Thailand, of course by crossing the bridge haha. And we went to have our lunch at a riverside restaurant. Cool thing is you can see another country, Laos in this restaurant. hahaha this is because Laos is right on the opposite of the restaurant. 

The picture above shows the land of Laos, so near yet so far haha ! The golden triangle cities : Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. 
I can say I had visited them all, can I ? 

We look cool and in our sunglasses arent us ? Say yes please :b

Hahaha finally a photo with Pi Yang, our fat and funny tour guide. He refused to take photo at first lol. Four of us stepping on Chiangrai, Thailand and leaving the country on the other side of the river, Laos at our back  :) 

After that we headed back to Chiangmai, three hours journey to reach and it's night already while we reached. What to do after dinner ?
Sleep tight and Goodnight. 

And that marked the end of Day three of the trip. 


Thursday 18 September 2014

Chiangmai >>> Chiangrai // Day 2

Sawadeeka, back to blog about my travel diary ;)
The second day we would travel from Chiangmai to Chiangrai, the names are very close I know lol. It took three hours to reach by road, and before that Pi Yang brought us to visit some souvenir shops like, honey and paper-made products. Paper-made products were the best shop to go cause it showed us how a paper umbrella was created. Its truly hot in the factory but it's very fun to know how the process goes.

SA tree is used to make the paper for those products and this picture below is the wet version of the SA tree hhaha, I forgot they use its leaves or the wood to make the paper.. I think is wood :/ Was busying taking photos haha !

And then this lump of SA tree extracts will be mixed into water, and stir and stir and stir. After that they will use the net as shown below to filter up the SA tree extracts and let it dry under the sun. The dried layer on the net is the SA paper :) Amazing ? 

These are some products of SA paper :



 After spending a lot of money lol, cause we went a few shops and Mum spent quite a lot too hahaha, we started our journey to Chiangrai.

I was sleeping like a pig on the car until we reached the first stop, Thaweesin Natural Hot Spring.
It was drizzling there while we reach, and the weather was foggy, windy. The best time to soak your foot in hot water !

Due to the weather I feel like I was in a Europe country haha, super comfy and relax, that's why I love autumn and spring more than winter hehe. 

 Yeah and the best thing is you can drink a cup of coffee while soaking your foot hahahaha, LIKE A BOSS ! This is what life is all about, work hard and play hard.

Hahahaha and here is one idiot picture of mine ! A girl holding an umbrella and being showered by the fountain behind lmao. I found I look super short in this photo but I like it very much, I like being short sometimes :b

Oh ya and these two are my new friends haha

So after that we continued our journey to Chiangrai and I continued my journey of sleeping :b
And I woke up again while we reached Wat Rong Khun, or also called as White Temple. 
Very unlucky the weather was still raining, I was quite upset cause I cannot take good pictures since it's raining. And how could you look good in a photo if you were holding an umbrella ? No choice I have to accept it still. White temple is a place like heaven, you will say "wow" you first see it, and you will say "wtf" while you enter its washrooms hahaha. 

The designer himself called this place as heaven, the whole idea is about a good person will go to heaven and bad person will go to hell. So I could see the main part of the temple is the heaven and around the staircase to heaven ( It's actually the staircase to go into the temple ), there are some issues of hell, like ghosts, evils etc. I didnt take photos of the staircase cause we were not able to enter the temple, saddest thing ever ! We could only see those evil thingy at far far away. If I were to describe the design of the whole temple I will say it's perfect, and the designer is truly insane. He must be a mad person cause I dont know how would he come up with all these ideas.

Pictures above show the some evillll parts of the temple, I personally feel these are very cool, but my mum described them as very geli hhaha !

Okay, the first time you see this golden building, what will you think it is ? Guess please ! Haha.
The answer is TOILET !!!
As I mentioned earlier, you will say "wtf" when you see its toilet. And this golden building is the toilet. I think the designer must be thinking, hmmm toilet in heaven must be very grand ahaha, so he used gold to build a toilet beside the white temple.

I didnt know its a toilet until Pi Yang told us it is. Non stop saying wow and laughing while I enter the toilet because it is way too exaggerate lol. 

And you even have to change a pair of slippers that they prepared before you enter the toilet, so that you wouldnt dirty it haha, cool huh ? 

So how can you not take photo with such awesome toilet ?

A very very very lucky day, the designer of the temple was there lol, my dad will never let this kind of best luck wasted, so he grab me to take photo with this man. This man is really a great person, he designed this White Temple all by himself, paid all the costs to build this temple, and never ask for any returns. One thousand likes for you man !
Breathtaking view of White Temple, the best part of Chiangrai, yes it's all saved in my brain now. Say cheese, chichak ! The cute family of mine smiled to the fullest @ Wat Rong Khun, Chiangrai Thailand // 12 September 2014. 

After visiting White Temple, we headed to our hotel and checked in and rested for awhile... and then had our dinner.. and then Pi Yang brought us to a night market, the only one night market in Chiangrai haha ! He recommended us a very famous dumpling in Chiangrai.

Yes this is it ! The aunty is the owner of the tangyuan stall, I feel this aunty's face very cool and looks like a cartoon so I secretly took her photo hahaah. The photo on the right is ice cream tangyuan. First time I see this kind of flavour haha, ice cream tangyuan lol. very special actually, but I prefer the original taste of tangyuan. The whole night we ended up shopping eating drinking and then back to hotel to ooi ooi. 
And that's all for the second day in Chiangrai, Thailand :)
