Friday 31 October 2014

Halloween Party UNMC 2014'

*booop !* Trick or treat ?
Happy Halloween guys !! So it's my first time celebrating Halloween I guess.. ya I think this is my first time lol. Hmmm, I dont have the chance to celebrate before this cause it's like people around me seldom celeb this festival. So I feel truly excited for this Halloween party held by my uni !

Guess how I dress up myself for the party ? :p
Alright, I am the superb sexy wicked witch, wearing a black dress tadaa!

oh opps ya with a hat also teehee. 
Spot my red lips hahahahaha, I have no idea where my confidence came from huh ? It's like the whole night I non stop mentioning me, myself is a sexy witch, holy shit lol. 

with my sexay ladies after finished makeup ing. Omg super funny makeup : wanting and BB Qi haha. especially BB Qi with her cutie hairstyle hehe. 

On the left : otw to the party venue, such a creepy photo. only BB Qi's face is clear and those who standing behind are like, BLURRED. yeah perfect halloween selfie. 
On the right : spot the extremely spooky and creepy VamJoker ( he called himself like that haha) 

So the first thing we did after we reached the venue, register fast and eat. haha, was too hungry cause we havent had our dinner but only dressing up lol. 
The decorations at the venue were quite good and I can feel the Halloween ambience. Thumbs up. 
not everybody put those kind of scary makeups on so we're like a bunch of aliens walking around, plus Celine the goat wearing a hat and BB Qi having her cute hairstyle and the VamJoker with his super white face hahahha. Everybody's eyes on you,holy shit. 

after having dinner we went into a mystery box. haha urgh mystery box is one of the game booths of the party. you have to blind yourself which I dont like the feeling of not seeing things and you walk into a "room" and touching disgusting things. The main point is I didnt touch anything lol cause I was like " nooooooooo I dont wanna touch no no no" and erm ya you knw.  

After that.... oh ya the haunted house :/ quite long queue tho before we enter the haunted house. erm erm about the haunted house.. at first I was very steady lah. I am always steeady one haha. I knew already there were gonna be something in front cause wanting T will give you precautions using her scream hahahaha. when she "Ahhhh " then you know there must be something in front lol. So I didnt get shocked at first, until that part someone grabbed my leg hahha. I was like wtf and " Ahhhh ". Ong ong had so much fun laughing at us lmao. Overall its quite a successful ghost house ! nice one. 

after the haunted house.

wanted to go for another game, escape room but the queue was too long so we ended up gave up and left haha. and.... we went out for supper. omg fats. after supper, bath and went out for second round. truly yolo like we dont need to sleep. Chor dai di until 4am hahaha ! Cause you only live once. Do you know how much this quote (yolo) has grabbed away our sleeping time ? lol !

here's are some photos of the night : 

In the haunted house !

it's a fun night indeed, a night full of memories :) 

Happy Halloween again!
and you better watch out, cause I am the wicked witch Betty. *shhoooh*


Saturday 11 October 2014

My Crazy Dream.

It's all about my crazy epic dream last night.
The memory is still very clear haha, I can still remember the story line, it still remains vividly in my mind lol. Yah, I dreamed of something extremely epic and fancy last night. Are you ready for my story ?

Once upon a time.. lol just kiddin. Alright, the story started with the setting of beach and with many layers of doors. I can only remember Yeen was there, not sure about others. Two of us, or maybe many of us were at the beach, and there was tsunami happening lol. Dont laugh ! I know it's so dramatic. Of course we're running away from the wave, so we were like ran through a few layers of doors. We past through the first layer and we closed the door, and the first batch of sea wave approached and hit the first door defence ( nice name ). And very luckily the door was strong enough to block the wave. Then we ran again.. through the second door.. and the same thing happened again. Dont know after running through how many layers of doors, we reached a place where there was a glass house with four floors. I roughly remembered someone told me that that place was in UNMC, means the glass house is in UNMC hahaha. Maybe there may be a glass house in my campus in the future, who knows? My dreams predicted quite a number of cases accurately tho in the past haha.
And then, after we saw the glass house, we wanted to go into the house cause it's way too beautiful. I dont know how to describe it.. it's like, glass wall with wooden border and roof. Oh ya, how you gonna go up to the upper floors ? Guess guess ! I know you sure say use lift loh... but the fact is, in my dream, we went up to the fourth floor by using a sky wheel. Cool right ?! This dream ah wants to hint me that I have great imaginations is it ! hhaha. So we went up to the fourth floor via the sky wheel, then I saw my sec school friends, those boys. We asked them can we stay on the fourth floor, we're running away from the tsunami. You know what they answered ?! "Sorry this floor fulled already, why dont you go downstairs and checked whether there is empty space in another floor ? " WHAT ?!
Hmmm.. and then we went to the third floor and saw many girls occupied that floor. So we leaved the glass house, sadly. haha. And the most epic scene is here. Without knowing how, I was in outer space. yes OUTER SPACE, outside of the Earth. I know you must be laughing, it's okay cause I am laughing too hahaah. This will be the most fantastic part of my dream. While I were in outer space, I saw our mother earth, pathetically small and tiny hahha.

Yes this is exactly what appeared in my dream. I was like SAVE THE WORLD. Then dont know how I went near, no is fly near the Earth and poured some powders that sticked on my watch ( yes my baby G ) onto that tiny ball ( yes the Earth ). And then the Earth expanded and returned to its original size. COOL. why am I dreaming of stuffs like that omg seriously laugh my ass offfffffff !
Not ending yet... after the Earth went back to its original size, I tried to squeeze myself into the ball ( wtf ?! ) cause I wanna go back to my world ( of course I dont want to stay in outer space lah ). So after I were back in Malaysia hahaah ( dk how but I'm back ) and I saw the notification on my phone. I received the email from the head of Choir, saying that I am distributed the part which sings " Do Do Do" ONLY, erm u get what I mean ? Meaning in every song I sing only "Do Do Do" which is the background music like that only. SAD. this is pathetic if that happens in real ( I will be like wtf are you serious ? ). SO that's the last scene of my dream, the next thing happened was Dad's calling me " Hey hey hey wake up it's 10 already, faster wake uppppp". HAHAHA how can I remember every details of my dream cause people normally will forget their dreams, dont ask me this ques, cause I myself also dont know the reason.
So that's my epic dream.

© 2014 Beety Betty All Rights Reserved 

Monday 6 October 2014

Chiangmai, Thailand // Day 4 : Part 2

Hello everyone, I know it's been a while. My previous post was about Chiangmai Day 4 Part 1 and I stopped halfway. Planned to post about Part 2 two days after the post but then, very unlucky I fall sick on the first week of school haha. Yah and it's the third week of Sem 1, time really flies huh. Fall sick on the third day after school reopened and sick for the whole week afterwards. What happened was I had dengue fever, as I wished lol. long story .. Well, let's get back to the topic, part 2 of Chiangmai Day 4. Hope I still remember the details haha.

Chiangmai, Thailand Day 4, Part 2 

The previous post I stopped at .. Elephant Park right ? 
So now I'll continue with the place we visited right after leaving Elephant Park, that's Orchid Farm.
Hmm.. what I could say about the orchid farm is .. It's very very common and nothing special haha. 
But I had fun on taking photos of orchids btw. 

The species of the orchids over there were very normal as I said, and many of them are in purple tone .. that's boring tho. 

Here's a Daddy's masterpiece, haha his first try on DSLR. Trying to act like a pro, my dad being himself haha. But this butterfly looking pretty good, it's undeniable that he's quite pro lah :b 
Oh ya about this butterfly garden inside the orchid farm, I dont like butterflies, and I think I am a bit scare of it .. So nothing attracts me *the butterflies were super terrifying tho, flying everywhere.
I walked into the garden and browse around and ran out through the exit hahhaah, that's me. 

Yes yes, so after that we went to Long Neck Karen Village, a must go place in Chiangmai. You'll see the unique people here exp : long neck girl. 

Spot her teeth.. dont feel confused, the black colour "stone-like" teeth are still usable lol. I have no idea how her teeth will turn out to be like this .. 

This girl represents another minorities in Thailand.. They came from Vietnam ? or other places .. I cant rmb haha, but their job is to wear the special costumes and sit there to sell those handicrafts. Whenever you took photos of them, they will ask you to at least buy something at their stalls, like pay for the photos you taken. Of course I didnt buy something at every stall, sorry for that haha. 

Tadaaaa.. this is the most famous long neck girl haha, dont you feel she looks familiar ? Perhaps you've seen her before on tv. She is quite well known cause she has the longest neck.. omg this sounds weird lmao. Longest neck, but as you see, her neck is really really really LONG. Kinda pity them cause the "necklace" is very heavy, I tried wearing a fake one and I couldnt even bear the weight for more than five minutes. Imagine they have to wear it twenty four seven.. 

Nahh.. I became one of the long necks too haha, the feeling of wearing it was " WTF faster take photo I want to take it out " ! I couldnt see my toes while wearing it loh, cannot turn you head also, one word to describe it - Suffering. 

And Dad found this girl looks very cute and grabbed her to take photos, mehhh that should be me at the centre loh ! Looking so good under the "atap". Then Mummy bought some key chains at this lil girl's stall.. I should have bought all the souvenirs here, so that I could help them out.. But unfortunately I bought everything I wanted the night before, cannot afford to buy more :( 

Hahaha this was the funny part of the day cause Mummy grabbed my Pocky and gave it to them.. My pocky.....

Alright, this was the main point of the day, Royal Flora Ratchaphruek, haha weird name, but it's a very very beautiful place. You'll need one whole day to finish viewing the whole garden. It's like flower expo, each country will design their own garden and also exhibits their country's flowers. 

You can board this lil train*choo choo* to view around the garden, and you can stop at any gardens you like .. and walk around.. take photos. and then board the train again.. wonderful time while you sitting on the train but you must stop somewhere, because you can never see the awesomeness if you only sit on the train and look from the train, narrow view and not worth the visit. 

Gotcha ! exactly the right feeling ! This type of buildings .. argh too adorable ! I dont know which country is it from, I guess should be.. England ? or New Zealand ?

Ahahaa and this is obviously from China, the strongest country lol.

And if I am not mistaken, this is from Rome ? Haha you can actually walk into that flower hole :b 
Then we chose to got down at Thailand's garden, cause it's the most beautiful one among all. 

Very "thai- ish " building hoho.

And what happened next was, the space was too empty and broad, we could bear with the emptiness, jumping shots were a must ! ahahhaha
So we started to jump here jump there haha, no matter you are young or old fat or thin, just jump lol. 




Kacak ! YOLO memories - checked. 
Amazing huh, even all the aunties also joined the jumping session teehee. You only live once ma !

Ngek hehe and the photo as shown above : Daddy and I were discussing about how to jump lmao. 
"Your leg must fold upward while you jump. " 

The eight of us, thanks for the companion in these five days !

Does this building looks familiar ? Familiar right..? I am not sure if I'm right.. but I guess it's Malaysia's garden lol. 

It's almost the ending of the trip, sad :( But I had a lot of fun, with family, with friends, with aunties :b Daddy Mummy thanks for paying for all the costs of the trip ahhaa. I know you two purposely planned this trip for me since I'm not following you to Italy, fyi this trip was planned because they were worried that I might feel sad for not going Italy, sweet parents <3 

And Day 5 of course we headed back to Msia, with memories and with joys. 
Looking forward to my next vacation, and hope you enjoyed reading my travel diary :) 
