Wednesday 10 September 2014

concert x food

Time flies, it's thursday. Throwback to last saturday leehom's concert, an awesome night ! Indelible memorable unforgettable ! Leehom's voice is way too charming, you will definitely melt while you hear his singing live. The only imperfectness was the drizzle, but it didnt wash away my excitement. Really hate to wear the raincoat, and it cost me rm10 :/ and yet I still got wet. But its okay, it's still a wonderful night. 

Tadaaa, I know the stage is so far away lol, but .. It's okay, I am satisfied hehe, at least I could hear his voice clear. There were moments that I nearly tear, especially while "Kiss Goodye" was performed, *melting*. Leehom, thank you for the enjoyable night :) 

Before the concert, wanting T brought MW and I to have lunch at Sunway Pyramid. We had hard time on choosing which reataurant to go haha ! And at last we ended up having lunch at Johnny Rockets, burrrrp ! The burger is *thumb up* *thumb up* *thumb up* ! 

Huge burger hehe, I could see the juices flow out while I slice the chicken patty, hahaha no bluffing ! 

Vanilla milkshake. 
Quite nice, but a lil too sweet. 

And then.. After concert Ong Ong drove us to Sg Long to send Queen Michy home :b 
Supper : Roti Canai 
I know, fatness overloads. After supper we headed back to Ong's house and we went through a long and funny night haha ! On bed time : 5 a.m. #yolo

The second day we went to try Boat Noodle. I like its creativity but I will never go back to the shop again lol. Why ? Cause I will need ten bowls of noodle to feel full :b 

The quantity is this small, thats why I need ten hahaha. But its worth a try lah. 

See ? Cant even see Eugene's face after we stacked all the bowls. Hehe. And I think the shop will need 100000 bowls to stand by lol. 

Went to watch a movie afterwards, 'The Gathering'. What a funny movie hahaha, it reminds me of those sweet memories in my sec school. Those people that you will never forget. 
New favourite song, 還是會想你。


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