Friday 16 January 2015

The start of sem break.

Hell yeah I am currently enjoying my sem break now, the three weeks holiday started at 12th of Jan 2015 ! That's the last day of our exams, last paper was Chemistry and it's.. hmm I just hope it's not that bad :/ Alright forget bout those shits, we're FREE now ! Of course cannot let the precious holiday end up very dull, so.. some plans are being planned. Guess what we've up to ? Hehe.

The first thing we did was to fix our cravings !! We (you'll know who cause it's always that few of us lol ) went to SS2 for Dragon pizzas, Nasi Lemak Ayam Pandan, Fatbaby ice cream.. BUT we're too bad luck on that day cause all the shops were closed on Monday :l Ahhhh so frustrating right.  It's okay, plan changed but it's still fun, tho it's not perfect as we wanted haha. We explored the SS2's night market, luckily the night market was opened on that day, if not.. the plan will be totally different. We had asam laksa for our dinner, and then some very disappointing desserts. Cravings not fixed but we had really fun time laughing at some lame jokes lol. Nayy, it's not the ending of the day yet, after saying goodbye to Wanting and Anna, Ongliniao, Seling, Michy and I went for second round @ Tea code, C180. I remember the place's name very well haha cause I asked why is it called C180 XD but no answers given lol. So four of us had a long chit chat, someone had been very emotional haha, Chill and relax kay, don't feel so stressful *if you're reading this. I like girls' talk like this, sincerely like it :) Oh and the next up is, we went to Beer Factory, ahhh you must be thinking woah so chill wah go drink beer somemore, but the fact is, we actually didnt order alcoholic drinks, and the detailed story, hmm it's a tiny secret among four of us :b and after sending Michy home, we ( the three kisiaos ) watched Masters Sun from like 12am until 5+am,  kisiaos' sleeping time is meant to be like this so don't feel shocked haha, and the first day of sem break ended like this. 

The next day, we slept at like 6am so what time you expect us to wake up ? ya.... 12pm :b and guess what, the three kisiaos were heading to Tampin (my peaceful hometown) on today. We actually planned to take a bus to Tampin at 2.30 pm, but too bad the bus ticket is not available when we went to the bus station, and plan changed. Again. So we took KTM to Seremban and then bus to Tampin like how I used to do. Long journey I know, it's probably the most tiring road journey ever to that two monkeys haha. We reached at 6+ evening, and I brought them for dinner @ Deen's Burger Bakar. Woohoo and then we went for some karaoke session which was really high and the two monkeys lost their voice right after that lmao. 

The next next day, we went to Malacca, it's so near to Tampin how can we not go right ? We planned to take bus at first, but then after some serious discussions, plan changed. Again and again. Haha, we drove to Malacca, I'm not the driver btw if you're wondering :b We reached Malacca at 12pm and straight went to Jonker Street for lunch. We had Chicken Riceballs, I forgot the shop's name but it's quite a nice one. After that we had the legendary ABC @ Jonker 88. 

It's a kinda bad luck day, too :/ Cause we parked at a random parking at Jonker Street and forgot that we actually have to buy parking coupon, so haha.. A ticket was found on your car windshield. Yeeee too bad luck. So we went to Dataran Pahlawan, supposed was to find the counter to pay for this ticket, but ended up went for a game at Bowling Centre lol. Except lousy I don't know how to describe my bowling skills, funny experience tho. Then we went to Seling's realtives house and we settled the fine, with the help of her cousin, pheeewww luckily it was settled. Another secret to be kept here, they aren't gonna know it, if you know who am I mentioning :b Then we headed for food again, high tea @ Klebang Coconut Milkshake. It's a non stop eating day, I never felt hungry at all, for the whole day. We had Satay Celup for our dinner later, *buuurppp* non stop eating till our stomach feel like boooming ~ A very fun day with the kisiaos, non stop laughing + eating was great haha.

Three kisiaos @ Jonker Street. 

Three kisiaos under Malacca's bright Sun.

The next next next day, haha. Slept like a pig cause we woke at around 11am. And then we went to Gunung Tampin, haha. After breakfast blablabla, the actual time we went to tampin hill was like 12+pm. and the funniest thing I heard ever, "I never went to climb hill at this late." Ikr... but the point is, we didnt climb / walk up the hill. We actually drove up, no it's actually I drove up the hill, seriously fml XD The yolo-est thing ever I did for sure. Shhh.. this is also a secret among you and I. So we spent some time at the so called water fall + water pool and had foot spa ahha. The water was just too refreshing and ice coldddd ! Glad that you two like the water over there lol.

Three kisiaos @ Gunung Tampin. 

Foot spa @ Gunung Tampin.
Chilling with you two monkeys at Gunung Tampin was really fun lol. Especially the MV part, ahherm. Yes we did some cray cray stuffs as we used to be, hmmm recorded those kind of videos which can only be viewed by ourselves haha. Aint gonna upload it, cause it might laugh your socks off XD Extremely crazey stuffs that you cannot imagine haha. Crazy time with you guys always pass away very fast haha. Thanks for visiting my sweet hometown and tolerating my failed touring skills hahahaha ! See you soon kisiaos :)

Thanks for reading until this line, stay tuned for more ! 


Friday 2 January 2015

Goodbye 2014.

woooh ! Time flies isnt it, it's the second day of 2015. I am still in the mood of 2014, I'm still in the mood of eighteen. Wow ya, I'm turning nineteen this year, officially nineteen in four months time. Supposed to write a flashback about 2014, but its gonna be a very looooooooooong post :b 
Year 2014 was really really a great one. The first three months I went for National Service, yah baby believe your eyes, I am a NS survivor. That three months were.. hmm "interesting". Find me for a chat if you wanna know more what I've been through in NS,
there are a lot of stories to be told haha. 
And then.. after waking up from that nightmare (NS), it's already March. I got my SPM results after that, god bless me it's kinda satisfying haha. Well then I had a rough month deciding where I belong to, I rejected form six of course, so after all, I am now in UNMC haha. There and then my wonderful uni life started. It started smoothly I guess, tho some silly things happened and.. haha. Anyhow, I survived ! Sem zero, sem one. Thank you to all of you, my group members, my friends, lecturers and everyone haha, thanks for everything. Countless crazey things happened also, my Queen of Hearts, Wadat group, so grateful to have all of you. And also my BFFs for life, tho the chance to meet is kinda low, but it will never change, everything will always be the same whenever I'm with ten of you.
So how I spent my last day of 2014?
Haha, summary of the whole day is : tired + kisiao + mabok (drunk) + wadat (disgusting). 
Time spent with wadat girls was always the happiest time. laughters never stop. 

Time to say goodbye to all the shits, sadness, that happened in 2014, it's not a big deal,
cause I'm still alive. 
A lot tragedies happened in 2014, and I hope everything will get better in 2015. 
May all of them who passed away in these tragedies rest in peace,
and my deepest condolences to their family members. 
People come and go, thank you, to everyone of you who are still with me,
through the thunder and the rain. 
New year, new chapter, new page of life, but still the old me, the old you who stayed in the old memories.
Duhh .

So lastly, happy new year and 
hope you have a great year ahead ! 
Live your life to the fullest, cause one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember, like how my father told me :) 
