Friday 2 January 2015

Goodbye 2014.

woooh ! Time flies isnt it, it's the second day of 2015. I am still in the mood of 2014, I'm still in the mood of eighteen. Wow ya, I'm turning nineteen this year, officially nineteen in four months time. Supposed to write a flashback about 2014, but its gonna be a very looooooooooong post :b 
Year 2014 was really really a great one. The first three months I went for National Service, yah baby believe your eyes, I am a NS survivor. That three months were.. hmm "interesting". Find me for a chat if you wanna know more what I've been through in NS,
there are a lot of stories to be told haha. 
And then.. after waking up from that nightmare (NS), it's already March. I got my SPM results after that, god bless me it's kinda satisfying haha. Well then I had a rough month deciding where I belong to, I rejected form six of course, so after all, I am now in UNMC haha. There and then my wonderful uni life started. It started smoothly I guess, tho some silly things happened and.. haha. Anyhow, I survived ! Sem zero, sem one. Thank you to all of you, my group members, my friends, lecturers and everyone haha, thanks for everything. Countless crazey things happened also, my Queen of Hearts, Wadat group, so grateful to have all of you. And also my BFFs for life, tho the chance to meet is kinda low, but it will never change, everything will always be the same whenever I'm with ten of you.
So how I spent my last day of 2014?
Haha, summary of the whole day is : tired + kisiao + mabok (drunk) + wadat (disgusting). 
Time spent with wadat girls was always the happiest time. laughters never stop. 

Time to say goodbye to all the shits, sadness, that happened in 2014, it's not a big deal,
cause I'm still alive. 
A lot tragedies happened in 2014, and I hope everything will get better in 2015. 
May all of them who passed away in these tragedies rest in peace,
and my deepest condolences to their family members. 
People come and go, thank you, to everyone of you who are still with me,
through the thunder and the rain. 
New year, new chapter, new page of life, but still the old me, the old you who stayed in the old memories.
Duhh .

So lastly, happy new year and 
hope you have a great year ahead ! 
Live your life to the fullest, cause one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember, like how my father told me :) 


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