Sunday 19 April 2015


Hey hi there :) This will be the first post after turning into nineteen haha! Yesh, I am officially nineteen. Last teen year, last teen year, many people had been reminding me this, enjoy your last teen year. so, my birthday, the 16th day of April, I'm an April babyyy. This year, is very different, cause my bday falls on Thursday, sadly I cannot make it to go home and celeb with my parent, which make me kinda sad. Nawww, I was expecting to get over this day, peacefully haha, but then I have a bunch of crazey besties, who made my big day a really special one, it's freaking awesome cause they really freaked me outttt. Actually I wanted to write a really long blog post and record every single details of the day, starting from 12am of 16/4 to 12am of the next day, but it's way toooo long, and way too naggy haha. So the first remarkable thing on my bday was, Celine was the first one to sing birthday song to me, with her guitar, at our chui shui fang B (you wont know where it is ha ), thank you for that hehe. Hmmm and then one thing on my birthday was, I had to stay at a booth, which promotes our uni's Famine 30 camp. I am one of the committee so yaaaa, that's my job to stand there and promote. Tho I actually sat there and stared at my phone :b You know lah, it's very boring to promote things and, it's my bday hahaha. Why there was a booth on my birthday, so unlucky ? Because, someone purposely planned this to make me down, HA you succeeded. I was really bored during that few hours. But then.. when I was planning to leave that booth and go for class, like finally can leave that place.. and they sang me birthday song. Awwww I was like, haha. These bunch of people, I knew there will be something, yes I knew it! But I didn't expect that it will happen at a timing like that ? Hmm.. okay surprise ! Alright, of course we off to class after that, three hours of class, nawww that's my birthday. Okay 3 hours considered less maybe, but still, I feel a lil down which I don't know why.
Lalala I think you can see via my face, a very .. expressionless face.

So after class, they said wanna have dinner together, and only Seling and Liniao could go, hahaha, others were like, I gotta go home, my mom cooked my dinner.. including wanting XD and I was like, har? Wanting you going home ah, tomorrow got class who, why you go home, and then she gave some very silly excuses, HAHA I knew there must be something. but I don't know what it is. So, okay, they hugged me and said goodbye, ohhh *best actresses*, and they went home, but actually they went my room and did something cray cray, haha. Sooo three of us went to have our dinner, somewhere in Broga, again I was not that cheerful, cause both of them told me they going home, TOO. Haaaa Liniao has to fetch her bro and Seling dk go home for what, I should have suspect of this, but I missed it.  Okay nvm, after dinner, back to uni, they were going to go home.. mmm ya, go home. But actually after I walked into my hostel block, after I disappeared in that corridor, haha, two of them ran, or jumped or don't know how, they had to race with me cause they gotta reach my room before I reach. I inspired their athletes' gene I guess haha, thank you for that, really. Okay, they reached my room, all of them were in wanting's room actually, waiting to give me a surprise hahaha. I actually heard someone running before I reach the fourth floor, sensed something was gonna happennnn. Plus I saw Seling's slipper outside wanting's room, hahaha oops. So I decided to go toilet, first. And when I was planning to open my room, cause I was staring at Seling's slipper wondering why is it there haha, and I saw someone was peeking inside wanting's room, ahhh. That's them. They had no choice but to come out and sing birthday song, and this already made me really freaked outttt. I never expected this to happen, since they said they wanna go home, haha.

The best part of the day, when I opened my room, imagine helium balloons, with photos tied on the string, filling your room. Yes that's the image that rushed into my eyes the moment I opened the door. It's indescribable, like a dream, so fantasy but it's real. and it happened on me. Thousand thank you to my bunch of besties, that gang of kisiao people, who prepared all of these. Because I craved for a surprise like this, so they prepared something like this, on my 19th birthday. Can never forget everything single moment, and every single sentences that you all said. Haha, they even complaint about me being so damn noisy cause I was like really shocked and non stop shouting and talking nonsense. Sorry, I cannot control myself because you guys are way too amazing. Hehe, so after that we went all the way to IOI mall, cause they haven't had their dinner. So we went Franco. I was still in an excited mode you know, high energy state. hhaha, and when I was about to calm down, and finally managed to bring myself back to a lower energy state level, and stable state haha *nerd talk*, okayyyy all of a suddennnn, birthday song again! from the waiters of the restaurant, and of course from them too, ahhh, how can I not love them hahaha. The fourth surprise. What I can say is, I have to announce that, you people won the day, you guys are very successful in fooling me, haha.

You guys deserve the prize, 'Best Birthday Surprise Planners' !

Ten balloons, hundreds wishes, thousand loves, millions memories. These are what they gave me :)
"I don't want to graduate. " that's so true, I don't want to graduate from foundation, because there are too many memories, and the memories are the one who kills you, after saying goodbye. The time spent with them are always that memorable, no matter what we also can laugh till the world turn upside down. Never thought that my foundation could be this beautiful, haha honestly I thought I'm going to pass this one year time, very boring and dull. but it's not like what I thought, it's way more wonderful than it is. ahhhh and that brings me to the point again, I don't want to graduate from this :( I don't want it to end so soon, I still want to spend days and nights with you people. One of the must go through steps in the process of growing up, you say goodbye to people even if you dont want to do so :( but I still gotta feeling that we arent saying goodbye even foundation ended. It's gonna be forever I think. Still, thank you for being in my life, and also thank you for having me in yours. 

Thank you very much my best best friends aka sisters aka family.
I give all of you a whole life guaranteed friendship contract in return, no taking back :)

with true heart and love, 

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