Thursday 18 June 2015

Summer Break // Diary

Hello there! It's been a long time, I'm having summer break now. three months summer break is killing haha! Don't admire, cause I can't help you unless you come to Notts. So, I personally feel that my summer break is very dull, urgh. I didn't go travelling, or hoping thru hipster cafes, or shopping or do something meaningful. The worst thing is you don't know what should you do even though you feel like you have lots of things to do. Oh ya, one great thing I've done so far was... I've done the medley for choir team's performance in September. *hooray* Thanks to everyone who helped and inspirited us, it's finally a completed piece, named 'UK Rhapsody' ! Cool name huh.
Alright, so, what am I up to now? yeahh... I'm working a part time job. duuuh. It's kind of tired actually, you know you have to learn new things, say hi to people, yep I know that's something easy, but not really easy for me. Well, but the awkward stage was finally over. Erm I guess so. I hope myself am having a good time, aherm, maybe not really. Oh yes! And our kisiao Penang trip is very very very around the corner alreadyyyy! Yesh like finally! Next Sunday, counting down, nine days :)

See ya! 

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