Monday 25 July 2016

Vietnam - The city of FOOD

Oh dear dear, I know. It's been a really long time. This time I would like to share about my sort of food trip to Saigon, Vietnam. or also known as 'Tan Family trip' coded by Raymond Tan (my uncle). He's working over there as a chef at a hotel there and yes, he is gonna bring us all around for food!

As I stepped out of the airport, and I was amazed by the amount of people waiting at the arrival hall. Luckily we were able to search our 'friend' quickly and he brought us to my uncle's hotel afterwards. After checking in, we had lunch at the hotel's restaurant, which my uncle is working at. He claimed that all the dishes we were eating he had tasted it for like hundred times haha! Of course the meal was really nice. After some brush ups, we went out for evening walk. 

Some random streets nearby our hotel. One thing I learned about Vietnam from these few days is, their traffic behavior are really, really, really, BAD. There are a lot of motorists and they do not care about the pedestrians at all! I nearly got killed when I was crossing the street. The cars can even drive on an opposite direction of the lane (imagine if this happens in Msia, the driver would probably be honked to death). Their traffic rule is 'as long as the driver does not hit anyone or anything'. So a kind reminder, just cross the street <like a boss>, because all vehicles will avoid you very naturally (literally like a boss huh?) 

The first thing I put into our mouth in Saigon was, ice cream! And it's drizzling at that time hoho. The ice cream has nothing special, but the fun part was we could not communicate with the seller. She cannot understand 'how much?'. Okay let alone telling us the price. So, I showed her my phone's calculator and ahhhh, *bulb lights up*. She showed me the price then! 

After some ice creams, aha, the real food is here. This roadside stall we accidentally found, sells the very well known 'carrot cake' which is also known as 'chai tau kuek' in msia. I bet all Malaysians are very familiar with it right. As you can see, it's different from our version of carrot cake, and it tastes different too. It is served with dried mango and chili. I personally would prefer to eat it with their chili because the chili is the main key! 

Oh yes, this one, my fav among all Vietnamese food! Hu tier nam vang *slrppp* 
It tasted really good especially its soup. It is served with kuew teow with soup, and fresh prawns, meat and some internal organs of pig..? Okay I don't eat organs but I eat prawns! (although I'm actually allergy of it but nah I dont care) The prawns are really fresh as if I was eating something crunchy. After we finished our first proper meal in Vietnam, we headed to Nguyen Hue Street, a very famous street in Saigon. 

See the city lights of the street, very pretty isn't it. I personally thinks that Saigon actually uses well of their lighting because everywhere is full of colourful lights! Also, right at the end of this street there it stands the statue of Mr. Ho Chi Minh, and the people's Committee head office. 

So the end of the first day in Saigon. 
To more food and pretty little things! 


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